You can contact me at: Byron @

© 2012 Byron Kelly

Who am I?

I'm a farm boy from northern Wisconsin. I love art and computers but art is my hobby. I joined the USAF right after high school to immerse myself in computers and electronics but ended up a lab tech for a few years before I finally made it into computer programming. I finished my bachelor degree at Texas Lutheran University and became a mustang (starting all over as an officer 16 years into my career.) I spent the next 11 years doing project management work in every aspect of software engineering and network engineering. I've recently transitioned from the military and completed my MBA at Webster University. I've worked as a business analyst but my true calling is project management. Currently working toward my PMP certification with a test date in February of this year. Wish me luck.

Want to know more about me? Choose from my links below.


Byron's Linked In Profile

The Velvet Canvas